1. Open Veeam Backup and Replication console
2. Click 'Backup Infrastructure' menu
3. Click 'Service Providers' in the menu and then click 'ADD SERVICE PROVIDER' option
4. Under "DNS name or IP Address" enter the URL of the data centre that you are connecting to.
Auckland data centre - dpsgw-akl.vgrid.nz
Hamilton data centre - dpsgw-hlz.vgrid.nz
Leave the port as the default (6180) & (Optional) change the description.
** If you are also using vGRID Monthly Rental Veeam license, it is a requirement that you tick the box to allow remote management
5. Click the Next button.
6. Add the Credentials that were supplied by clicking on the "Add..." button
** If you get an SSL Certificate error at this stage it means that your Veeam instance is not able to connect to vGRID Cloud Connect server. Check that your firewall is allowing port 6180 out to the internet.
7. Enter the Username and Password that was provided & (optional) a description, then click OK
8. Click the Apply button
9. Select the Resources and click Apply button
10. Click Next and then the Finish button
If you have any queries please email us at support@vgrid.nz
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